Meet WeatherKit in WWDC22
Meet WeatherKit in WWDC22
Meet WeatherKit in WWDC22
Google is currently promoting the Android Study Jam event, and out of curiosity, I participated in the Study Jam online briefing.
Google 的現在正在推 Android study jam 活動,心裡因為好奇,所以也在線上參與了 Study jam 的說明活動。
Excerpts from the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Beta Roadmap
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile beta roadmap 重點節錄
Historically, if a railway track’s width needed to be upgraded, they wouldn’t just add two more tracks over the existing ones. Instead, they would ...
Creating an Image Recognition App with Turi Create - Core ML and Vision
使用 Turi Create 製作圖案辨識的 App - Core ML and Vision
WWDC18, Session-712 Turi Create Highlights - Making ML Models Is No Longer Difficult
WWDC18, Session-712 Turi Create 重點整理 -製作ML model 不再是一個困難的事
這一篇文章是看了 “Pro Design Patterns in Swift “ 後的心得,把原型模式整理後寫成中文的記錄。
這是一個猜歌的 App